The beginning of this year was a little hectic. Finishing master studies, deleting Facebook and seeking for a new job to finally get back to the same, only full time. All of this shifted my priorities a little bit and this Monday I informed my mentor that I would like to join the Reps alumni.

Let’s start with my master studies and Facebook first, because those two are pretty related. About two years ago, I decided to delete my Facebook account after I finish the university. I was using Facebook only to be in the school groups, discuss our assignments and share tips for exams. So after I finished my state exams, I asked Facebook to delete the account. The time proximity with the Cambridge Analytica scandal was just a coincidence. I always assumed that’s happening regularly on Facebook, and until today, I am not sure whether people were more surprised by the Cambridge Analytica thing, or that someone can consciously without any external motivation delete his or her Facebook account. Both seem pretty normal to me.

But back to Mozilla related stuff. For weeks and weeks I was thinking about all my Mozilla activities and if I want to go on the same way - user support (SUMO + social media), localization, Mozilla presence on conferences, planning several other general localization events, attending other open communities events, plus all the local stuff around web, infrastructure and community. I didn’t even have enough time to write reports or blog posts about my activities, experience and lessons learned. After getting a full time contract in Cisco, I somehow naturally displaced those activities from the list, that I didn’t enjoyed anymore.

As a result, this Monday I informed Michael that I want to join the Reps alumni. I do not thing I can dedicate what’s needed to support the Reps goals and be a valuable and involved member.

The day when I joined Mozilla Reps

Nevertheless, being a Rep for two years (per day exactly) was a really great experience. If you are an active Mozillian interested in organizing events or campaigns, joining Reps is the only right thing to do. Without me being a Rep, we would probably never started attending conferences so often nor making meetups. It really eased the start. I want to thank Michael Kohler as my mentor, the Reps council of course, and every single Rep who shared the experience with me through the program.

I am not leaving the Mozilla community, no way. I am still a Mozillian in the first place and I will still contribute the ways I believe I can do the best.